

【レアジョブ英会話】 オンライン英会話 - 会員数No.1 ※月額5000円で毎日30分フィリピンのお姉さんと英会話できるサービス Googleの人のエントリで存在を知って、衝動的に今月の頭から初めてみたのだけど、 すごく楽しい。自分でも驚くほど毎日続いている。 …


英語コンプの馬鹿でも投資ゼロでTOEIC900に達するたったひとつの方法 このエントリに書いてあったlang-8とFMyLifeがおもしろい。 http://lang-8.com/ Profile: jssei | Lang-8: For learning foreign languages lang-8はいわゆるソーシャルネットで、色んな…


気がつきゃ2週間。。。 やっぱり続かなかった( ^ω^)。。

the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain

it was cloudy this morning, but rained afternoon. And just cold to wear short sleeves shirts. Yesterday i went to bed @ 27:00 a.m, so i was very sleepy at today work. if everyday were a paid holiday, i could sleep all day everyday ..@_@

 高校生ドラフト - 楽天田中&大嶺強奪

25, Sep. 2006 It was fine and autumn breeze was very comfortable. Today, NPB held the draft conference( pro baseball entry draft) for high school baseball players. The top pick in the draft is Tanaka, Komadai-Tomakomai, is the pitcher won …

Dream Cast

it was fine and warm. Today, i rested in my room all day long because of fatigue caused by yesterday TGS. And i wanted to watch baseball games and horse races by sky perfect TV. Baseball game, pacific league is very exciting now. top 3 tea…

TGS 2006

23, Sep. 2006It was fine. I got up at 6:30 and went to TGS @ Makuhari Messe.I wanted to see FFXI event show and FFXIII movie, PS3, XBOX360 - " Blue Dragon" "Lost Odessey" and so on. But, so many people (80000 around..) visited the show, th…